Mastering Hotel Fact Sheets: Unveiling the Top 3 Samples and Best Practices

Mastering Hotel Fact Sheets: Top 3 Samples and Best Practices

We came across three excellent hotel fact sheets from Trident Chennai, Hyatt Ahmedabad, and Ibis Al-Barsha Dubai. Let’s analyze them to find the best practices for creating compelling sales tool.

A hotel fact sheet is a very crucial sales collateral, mostly undermined by independent hotels. Hotel fact sheets are used by event planners, group bookers, travel agents, and corporate bookers. This is one tool that gives the bookers all the factual information about the hotel in one shot before they need to make a decision or finalize a venue. If you do not have a fact sheet, the planners may not even bother to call your sales rep and check regarding your facilities or capacity.

The hotel fact sheet is a simple document that has information such as – property contact details, location, number, size and types of rooms, restaurants, meeting rooms and their capacity, facilities at the hotel, nearby attractions, and so on. You may have all these details on your website, but the bookers consider it a hectic task to navigate your website page by page to find each and every piece of information about the hotel. A hotel fact sheet is also a convenient way for the bookers to share hotel information with their clients or event attendees.

Things to consider for your hotel fact sheet

Design it! Don’t type it out on a word file

We noticed that even some of the popular hotel brands have published fact sheets that were typed in as a word document. Get a professional designer to design the fact sheet for you, do not make the mistake of making your sales collateral bland. Have branding elements on the page and make it look professional and suited for your brand. However, try not to make it too flashy and too colourful.

Two pages are best, three the most

Limit the document to two pages, consider the third page only if you cannot fit essential facts into two pages. Also, when it is two pages, this can be printed on two sides of a single paper, it becomes odd when it is three and becomes difficult to manage when it is even more.

A cover page is not required

A beautifully designed cover page can be a part of your brochure but not required for your fact sheet. This page will only make the document heavier. 

Stick to the facts, flowery language does not work

The purpose of a fact sheet is to convey facts and skim through the facts in a few seconds. Nobody is going to read long sentences when they are looking for facts or your story. And so, don’t waste your money paying a copywriter or your time crafting the perfect sentence for each of your facilities.

Readability, Readability, Readability!

Use readable font size and colour. Most hotels try to cramp a lot of unnecessary information and long sentences into the fact sheet. To do this within two pages, they go on reducing the font size and ultimately making it difficult to read. Do not make this mistake. Include only relevant information and use readable font size.

Do not bombard with photographs

Photographs of each facility, room type, meeting room are not required. At the point where someone requires your fact sheet, they would have already known your hotel or have seen the images of your hotel or trust that the rooms are going to be good. Including photographs of every room type or facility is only going to cramp your hotel fact sheet. So add only necessary photographs and that too if you have ample space in the fact sheet. A detailed beautifully designed brochure with a cover page, images of the room, stories can always be a separate document.

Size of the PDF document matters

Make sure that the file size of your hotel fact sheet’s PDF copy is not more than 2 to 3 MB. When you include more images into the fact sheet, it becomes heavy and makes it difficult to share over WhatsApp, email, or any other means.

Download link in email signatures 

Rather than attaching the fact sheet every time your reservation or sales employee sends out an email, have a link to download the document in their signature.

Download link on hotel website

Make a PDF copy of your fact sheet available to download on your hotel’s website. A new potential booker mostly lands on your website to check the details of your hotel. If a fact sheet is readily available to him/her, it makes their life so much easier.

Hotel fact sheet samples – the ones we loved the most

We evaluated hundreds of hotel fact sheets before writing this article, and these three are the ones we loved the most.

Trident Chennai

Mastering Hotel Fact Sheets: Top 3 Samples and Best Practices
Mastering Hotel Fact Sheets: Top 3 Samples and Best Practices

Hyatt Ahmedabad

Mastering Hotel Fact Sheets: Top 3 Samples and Best Practices

Ibis Al-Barsha Dubai

Mastering Hotel Fact Sheets: Top 3 Samples and Best Practices
Mastering Hotel Fact Sheets: Top 3 Samples and Best Practices
Posted by
Azhar Umar

Azhar is a seasoned hospitality professional and Co-Founder of Zarnik. With 6 years of hands-on experience in the hospitality industry, he has held top management positions, successfully running hotels and providing consulting services. Azhar's expertise and contributions have been instrumental in the growth and success of Zarnik, making a significant impact on the hospitality sector in India.

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