Write for Zarnik: Hospitality Guest Blogging Opportunity

Are you a hospitality industry expert with valuable insights to share? Zarnik invites you to contribute to our hospitality guest blogging program. As a leading platform in the Indian hospitality sector, we offer an excellent opportunity for industry professionals to showcase their knowledge and reach a wide audience of hospitality experts.

Why Choose Zarnik for Your Hospitality Guest Blogging?

  • Targeted Readership: Connect with hoteliers, property managers, procurement specialists, and hospitality professionals across India.
  • Industry Recognition: Establish yourself as a thought leader in the hospitality sector.
  • Fair Compensation: Earn Rs 3500 or $40 for each accepted guest post (terms apply).
  • Networking: Engage with fellow professionals and potential clients in the hospitality industry.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Benefit from our website’s strong domain authority and social media promotion.
  • Professional Growth: Refine your writing skills and expand your professional portfolio.

Our Target Audience

Our readers include a diverse range of hospitality industry professionals:

  • Hotel and resort owners and managers
  • Vacation rental and serviced apartment operators
  • Property managers and front office staff
  • Revenue managers and financial professionals
  • Procurement specialists and supply chain managers
  • Marketing and branding experts in hospitality
  • Technology providers serving the hospitality sector
  • Travel agencies and hospitality consultants

We aim to help these professionals streamline processes, improve efficiency, boost revenue growth, and optimize their procurement strategies.

Hospitality Topics We’re Seeking

Our hospitality guest blogging program focuses on providing valuable insights to our readers. We’re particularly interested in:

  1. Emerging trends in the hospitality industry
  2. Revenue management strategies for hotels
  3. Effective channel management techniques
  4. Strategies to boost direct bookings
  5. Innovative property management practices
  6. Marketing and branding for hospitality businesses
  7. Enhancing guest experiences in hotels
  8. Technology advancements in the hospitality sector
  9. Procurement strategies for hotels and resorts
  10. Supply chain management in the hospitality industry
  11. Cost-saving techniques in hotel operations
  12. Sustainability in hospitality procurement
  13. Vendor management for hospitality businesses
  14. Inventory management best practices for hotels
  15. Negotiation strategies for hospitality procurement

Hospitality Guest Blogging Guidelines

To ensure your guest post aligns with our standards and provides value to our readers:

Content Requirements

  • Word Count: Aim for 1000-1500 words. However, we welcome longer, more in-depth articles if the topic warrants it.
  • Originality: Content must be 100% original and not published elsewhere.
  • Practical Advice: Include actionable tips and real-world examples from the hospitality industry.
  • Engaging Style: Write in a clear, professional yet conversational tone.
  • Structure: Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points for easy readability.
  • Data-Driven: Support your points with recent (within 2-3 years) hospitality industry data.
  • Linkages: Include 3-5 relevant links to authoritative hospitality resources.
  • Visuals: If possible, include relevant images, charts, or infographics to enhance your content.

Writing Style

  • Maintain a natural, conversational tone while ensuring the content remains authoritative.
  • Use humor sparingly and appropriately, keeping a PG-13 rating in mind.
  • Explain complex concepts in simple terms that our diverse audience can understand.
  • Use active voice and present tense where possible to keep the content engaging.

SEO Optimization

  • Include the primary keyword “hospitality guest blogging” naturally throughout the article.
  • Use relevant secondary keywords related to your specific topic.
  • Optimize your headings and subheadings with appropriate keywords.
  • Include a meta description that summarizes your article and includes the primary keyword.

Compensation Policy for Hospitality Guest Blogging

  • Payment: Rs 3500 or $40 for each accepted post meeting our guidelines.
  • Promotional Content: We do not compensate for articles promoting specific brands or products. Focus on informative, non-promotional hospitality content.
  • Word Count: While we prefer articles between 1000-1500 words, longer articles of exceptional quality may be eligible for additional compensation, decided on a case-by-case basis.

How to Submit Your Hospitality Guest Blog

  1. Email your hospitality blog topic ideas to azhar@zarnik.com.
  2. Include links to your LinkedIn profile and previous writing samples related to hospitality.
  3. Once your topic is approved, submit a brief outline of your post.
  4. After outline approval, write your full hospitality guest post.
  5. Submit your completed article as a Google Doc (sharing settings: anyone with the link can edit).
  6. Include a short author bio (50-100 words) highlighting your hospitality industry expertise.

Submission Process in Detail

  1. Topic Proposal: We’ll review your topic and respond within a week if accepted.
  2. Outline Submission: Submit a short outline before writing the full post to ensure alignment with our expectations.
  3. Writing: Craft your post following our guidelines, focusing on providing value to our readers.
  4. Submission: Share your Google Doc with us, ensuring all elements (including author bio) are included.
  5. Review and Editing: We’ll review your submission and may suggest edits to align with our standards.
  6. Publication: If approved, we’ll schedule your post for publication on our blog.
  7. Payment: Compensation for eligible articles will be processed within 15 business days of publication.

Additional Guidelines

  • Draw on your personal experience to provide unique insights into the hospitality industry.
  • Include a compelling conclusion that summarizes the main points and provides a call-to-action for readers.
  • Be prepared for edits. We may ask for revisions to ensure the content meets our high standards.
  • We cannot republish content that has been published elsewhere.
  • Zarnik will own the content of published posts, but you retain the right to be identified as the author.

Ready to Start Your Hospitality Guest Blogging Journey with Zarnik?

We’re excited to feature your hospitality expertise on our platform! Remember to tailor your content to our audience of Indian hospitality professionals, focusing on practical, actionable insights that can drive industry improvement.

Send your hospitality guest blogging pitch to azhar@zarnik.com today. Join us in shaping the future of the hospitality industry through insightful and engaging content!